
What happens after FlexibleSigmoidoscopy? Which complications can occur?

Dec 10, 2021
What happens after FlexibleSigmoidoscopy? Which complications can occur?
FlexibleSigmoidoscopy is a screening test for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. This diagnosis procedure is less invasive and has fewer side effects as compared to colonoscopy.

FlexibleSigmoidoscopy is a screening test for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. This diagnosis procedure is less invasive and has fewer side effects as compared to colonoscopy. It is very effective in reducing the new morbidity and mortality of colorectal cancer. People can have FlexibleSigmoidoscopy if they have digestive symptoms that indicate a possible problem in the lower colon. Such symptoms can include recurrent constipation or diarrhea, stomach pain, and bleeding from the anus. Tissue samples may be taken during the procedure to test for infection. The test can also be used for early detection of coloncancer, which is generally recommended for most adults over 50, as a doctor can detect polyps and other potentially cancerous or precancerous lesions in the lower bowel area. If such areas are seen, tissue samples can be taken for further testing.

Preparations for FlexibleSigmoidoscopy

To prepare for a FlexibleSigmoidoscopy, the patient is usually given an enema a few hours before the procedure begins. An enema helps flush feces out of the lower intestines. In some cases, patients may need to fast and/or take laxatives for a few days before the procedure to cleanse the full bowel rather than just the lower part of the colon.

FlexibleSigmoidoscopy is usually done in a hospital or other medical facility. It is generally a relatively short process, typically around 15 to 20 minutes between inserting the oscilloscope and removing it. Patients may need to remain in the facility for an extended period to complete all of the preparatory steps and to be monitored shortly after the procedure is complete.

Before the examination

For a better overview during the examination, the rectum must first be cleared of stool. This is done by means of an enemaimmediately before the examination.

After the examination

Parasitic sensations in the anal area, flatulence, or nausea are usually harmless and disappear spontaneously. If symptoms such as pain, fever, sweating, vomiting, bleeding in vomiting or bleeding while passing stool occurs after the examination.

What can you expect from FlexibleSigmoidoscopy?

FlexibleSigmoidoscopy and biopsy both are safe and highly effective treatments when performed by doctors who are specially trained and experienced in these endoscopic procedures. FlexibleSigmoidoscopy is usually well tolerated. You may feel pressure, gas, or cramps during the procedure. You lie on your side while your doctor guides the sigmoidoscope through the rectum and lower part of the colon. When your doctor withdraws the instrument, your doctor will carefully examine the lining of the intestines.

Complications are rare, but it is important that you identify the early signs of possible complications. Contact your doctor if you experience severe abdominal pain, fever, and chills, or rectal bleeding., Be aware that rectal bleeding may occur several days after the exam.

Generally, patients are not given sedation, so they can return to normal activities shortly after the procedure. Possible short-term side effects may include cramping and gas from the air being pumped into the intestines, or a small amount of rectal bleeding if biopsies have been taken. Complications of FlexibleSigmoidoscopy are rare but can include perforation of the colon. This can be life-threatening and usually requires surgery to repair.

What if the Flexible Sigmoidoscopy finds something abnormal?

If your doctor sees an area that needs further examination, they may do a biopsy (tissue sample) to be analyzed. Getting a biopsy doesn’t cause pain or discomfort., Biopsies are used to identify many conditions, and your doctor can order one even if he or she doesn’t suspect cancer. If your doctor finds polyps, he or she may take a biopsy of them as well. Polyps, which are abnormal growths from the lining of the colon are of different sizes and have different types. Polyps known as “hyperplastic” may not need to be removed, but other benign polyps known as “adenomas” have a small risk of becoming cancerous. Your doctor will likely ask you to have a colonoscopy (a full examination of the large intestine)

What happens after a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

Your doctor will explain the results to you when the procedure is complete. You may experience gas or cramps from the air that entered the colon during the exam. This will go away quickly if you pass gas., you can carry all your daily routines and normal activities after leaving the doctor if you are not sedated.

What are the possible complications of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

Side effects

Unfortunately, FlexibleSigmoidoscopyoften causes side effects and, in some cases, also involves many risks. Some time without the administration of painkillers or sleeping pills or sedatives, moderate to severe level pain often occurs during the process of FlexibleSigmoidoscopy. More common side effects are temporary flatulence caused by the expansion of the intestine with carbon dioxide. In addition, the laxatives that the patient had to be consumed before the examination can lead to diarrhea days after the FlexibleSigmoidoscopy.

Other Complications

In some cases, more complications can occur such as severe bleeding and intestinal perforations can occur in 4 out of 10,000 cases. Around 26 to 35 out of 10,000 people experience serious complications during Sigmoidoscopy. Most of these common complications which average patients face arebleeding from polyp removal. In very rare cases, a rupture of the intestine can occur. Another complication factor is the medication administered. This can cause allergic reactions.


In some cases, Heart -cycle disorders are possible, which are caused by the drugs. After the application of FlexibleSigmoidoscopy in most patients, there is always flatulence caused due to the carbon dioxide gas introduced into the intestine. The medication has a calming effect so that the patient is not fit to drive after the Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy and needs someone to accompany them on the way home. In any case, the risks of Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy are much lower than those of undetected coloncancer.